The riffle is a 270 straight off the shelf which I purchased specifically for this project. The following pictures take you through the step by step process. If you are indoors as I was for environmental control please use safety equipment.
The weapon disassembled with everything I need.
Wipe the entire thing down with something that will cut through the grease and not compromise a good bond with the paint; for this I used denatured alcohol at a tip from a friend.
With a fine abrasive sand paper I textured the metal components to help the pain adhere.
If you don’t want paint on it used some painters tape or masking tape which is easily removed later.
A foam earplug will keep paint out of the barrel and off the rifling.
Over the next series of photos you will see the progression from light shaded paint to the darker shades. Do not remove any plant material after each coat, simply add more. The combination of layering from light to dark will help break up the shape and add an element of depth. Complete an entire side and the flip the weapon parts over and continue with the reverse side in the same method. It can be time consuming but give each layer time to dry before applying the next coat.
Like a ghillie suit, customize the pattern and colors for where you anticipate sneaking about. In my neck of the woods we have an abundance of wild grasses which tend to by dry most of the year, so I built it up to look like wild grass that was drying out.
I used splotches of both paint so the weapon doesn’t have the same universal dark shade in the background areas.
Most the weapon will be covered with plant material when you are finally finished painting.
From the initial reveal you can see I hit the stock from three angles, not worrying about layering the bottom.
I ended up with a sticky residue on the back of the sight; the painters tape wouldn’t stick and so I resorted to duct tape. It was easy to clean off. Bear in mind that the pai9nt will not stay prestigious and will need to be touched up. There is also a variety of sealants that can be applied over the pain to protect it.
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