Just some fun winter emergency thoughts on stuff worth stocking up on.
So winter is hitting us pretty good for the area we live in and we are facing another six, to nine, to twelve (depending on your news outlet) inches of snow today and tonight. Some are speculating that this might end up as the worst winter that we’ve had in the area for the last fifty years; I’m skeptical, but we have had a lot of moisture.
I’ve already been privileged with spending one night at work this week when a wrecked semi and snow made the drive home not worth attempting.
We’ve had power outages here and there in the valley over the last few days, though my home hasn’t been affected. The snow plows have been largely committed to the highways and major roads so the sub divisions and smaller roads have been snow traps for vehicles.
We’re pretty well prepped and I’m feeling confident, but I was curious what kinds of things were selling out at the local “mart.” It was pretty busy; and my wife said the bulk food store she went to earlier was quite chaotic.
A quick walk around revealed what I would have guessed when it came to shelf stock shortages. All in all, it was a good excuse to buy a soda before going home.
Propane camp/back packing stoves were completely sold out.
Disposable propane canisters were also completely sold out.
Emergency candles were sold out.
Matches were low.
Flashlights were low.
Batteries were low.
Hand warmers and pockets warmers were sold out.
Water and Gatorade were also selling quite fast.
One gallon cans of freeze dried food storage were down to the more expensive products.
I forgot to look in the automotive section, but I know from experience that snow tires and chains can become scares during early or major winter storms.
I also did not check on rock salt and snow shovels; but last year, I tried to buy some for work when the first snow hit and everyone I could think of hitting up was sold out.
If you have to go out in the weather, have an emergency car kit ready for the environment, and bring clothes suited for an emergency if you have to exit your vehicle for any reason.
If anyone is prepped, it’s you. This will be a good test.
I went on a winter campout with the scouts where it rained on us in the snow and then started freezing. I have a double layer sleeping bag with a gortex (water proof/resistant) shell. they all ended up wet and crowded in my van; I had one of the best nights I’ve had camping; slept like a baby.