A new battle-ready SUV is turning heads for its shocking simplistic design and 100-year warranty. The construction of the Partisan One is reminiscent of scaffolding and is actually delivered in a lightweight assembly kit, making it easier to drop the vehicle into warzones. The SUV is also somewhat sparse, only coming with the most basic components.
As reported by Fox News, the German company’s creation includes a steering wheel, seats, pedals, and lights. The circular holes on the exterior surfaces provide options for bolting on armor plating, and a V-shaped armor panel can also be added under the chassis to help deflect roadside bombs.

With its simplistic design and lack of styling, the vehicle is less expensive than many luxury SUVs and can be produced more quickly.
The designer of the Partisan One claim the vehicle’s right angles at the roofline are an intentional move to help the SUV stand out from its more attractive rivals.

Buyers also have the ability to install almost any engine into the SUV, including electric or hybrid motors. A 2.8-liter Fiat diesel is the standard option.
Also standard is a massive fuel tank designed to allow the Partisan One to go nearly 1,000 on a single tank.
Currently, there are three and five-door variants of the SUV available, and there is the possibility that six-wheel or eight-wheel versions could be manufactured in the future.
Prior to assembly, the flatpack design allows multiple Partisan Ones to be placed into a single shipping container, making them easier to deploy into the battlefield that some other military vehicles. Once the shipment arrives, the SUVs can be assembled onsite, a process that the company claims is relatively easy.
Partisan Motors, which was founded by Dr. Juri E. Postnikov, a Russian engineer and the designer of the Partisan One, is offering a 100-year warranty on the vehicle that includes coverage for “the entire car in addition to its wearing parts.” According to CNET, Postnikov asserts that the SUV is “the best car for the world’s worst roads.”
The company also states that the vehicle can survive 50 years of military use or more.
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