A good buddy of mine was hunting. While coming down a slope he slipped, fell, and a sharp stone punctured his thigh. While obviously not life threatening he quickly experienced profuse bleeding. It just so happened he had a product on his person that many troops overseas at the time were carrying. In this case […]
For those of you that are Blaze readers you’ve probably already read this article; but there is some good information to put out so I’ve shared the article in its entirety below. I did however have one major issue with the article; I feel the author drastically downplayed the threat to give us a warm […]
M40 Protective Mask
First off, it’s not a gas mask; because it protects against more than just gas. But in light of recent events…Ebola and such; has made me curious about the capabilities. I visited with several coworkers that are NBC/CBRN qualified and they said our current filters would do little against biological contaminants. According to the TM, […]
Daily Water
You’re in the city and the power goes out, what is that first thing you do? If your first instinct is to fill your bathtub with potable (drinkable) water then you probably have you head on straight or have done a little reading. In the advent of power shortage how long does the water run […]
Kids and Poison
I became aware of an interesting situation the other day. Both my girls were pretty good about staying out of cupboards when they were toddlers, but as my son starts hitting the toddler stage and getting more mobile I can see some potential issues arising and a necessity to do a little better childproofing. My […]
Blisters and Duct Tape
Blisters and Duct Tape I know there are websites out there with a million uses for duct tape; but let me share one of my primary uses for that amazing product. To be honest I love the stuff, but I’ve always thought duct tape wallets, hats, boats, and whatever else people make with the stuff […]
Healthy Houseplants
So there I was reading articles on This Old House and came a across this article which surprised me. I had one of those stupid pictures from facebook saved on my computer listing good plants to have in the house; but facebook pics and blurbs tend to be less than accurate so I was excited […]
Bleach/Pool Shock
Bleach is an amazing tool for sanitizing water in an emergency, so let’s look at some facts. From the US EPA always boil water as a purification preference when possible “If you don’t have bottled water, you should boil water to make it safe. Boiling water will kill most types of disease-causing organisms that may […]
White Bread
I love white bread. Why? Because it tastes good. Why does it taste good? Because it is loaded with sugar and unhealthy stuff. What does this mean? Well; like energy drink consumption, I need to make some life altering decisions. I’ve long clung to the belief in food consumption that you can eat all the […]
Eat your Apricot Seeds
So I was sitting here doing a little research on healthy diets like vegetarianism, cave man diets, the Eden diet, and so forth. This inquiry led me to a tribe of people in Northern Pakistan call the Hunza people who never get cancer. When the tribe was discovered their average age at death was 160; […]