If you live in a city then woodland camo might not be your thing…you might be going for more of a Batman look as in Batman Begins. If you are prepping to bug in then some of these patterns may be for you; after all, going out at night might be the safer alternative. I don’t much care for the urban stuff as it has a limited working environment and is all but useless during the day, but it might just be your cup of tea. Also check out my other camo databases below and let me know what you think; and like any database, I will be adding to this as I discover more patterns.
Propper International featuring the new A-TACS LE Camo Pattern.
MultiCam Black
A new addition to the MultiCam family.
Kryptek Typhoon
Kryptek: Typhon Camouflage is a modern digital, though not pixilated camouflage that is one of a family of similarly styled camouflages.
MARPAT Urban was tested, but not adopted.
USMC Urban
Experimental USMC urban (reversible,other side woodland) camo.
T-pattern BDU
Camouflage pattern used only in the “Urban Warrior” exercises in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1999.
US Urban Camo
Developed around 1990; saw limited use by special forces and US SWAT teams.
Metro pattern was designed to provide an urban pattern for SWAT Teams and similar tactical units.
Camopat™ was initially designed in March 2007 for a request from Military Special Forces under the code name “Kherocee™”, the pattern was selected for their short list for further consideration, however, with additional improvements in pattern algorithm alterations and fractal additions with the most recent 3rd generation “Camopat Pro™” , The initial 1st Generation – Camopat and 2nd Generation – Camopat+Plus™ patterns are now being made available to other military and law enforcement markets.
French Urban
The Centre d’Entraînement aux Actions en Zone Urbaine (CENZUB), or Urban Zone Combat Training Center of the French Armed Forces was opened in 2006 in Aisne, and provides a training ground for conducting urban warfare exercises. The training cadre act as Forces Adverse (FORAD) and these FORAD soldiers have been documented wearing camouflage with a blue colorway and based on woodland drawings.
Flecktarn Urban
Frequently reffered to as Urban Flecktarn, Metro is nevertheless a Polish camouflage pattern.
Universal Camouflage Pattern
The Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP), also referred to as ACUPAT (Army Combat Uniform PATtern) or Digital Camouflage (“digicam”) is the military camouflage pattern currently in use in the United States Army’s Army Combat Uniform. The pattern was chosen after several laboratory and field tests that occurred from 2003 to 2004, although it has recently been established that UCP may well have been adopted without field testing against other patterns. Its pixelated pattern is a modification of the United States Marine Corps’ MARPAT camouflage pattern which is simply a re-coloured version of the earlier Canadian CADPAT scheme.
HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp. and ADS Inc. launched the Joint Venture “Ghostex”™ an Advanced Camouflage System where operators can choose from a wide variety of unique camouflage patterns for their uniforms to better match operational areas. This system is named Ghostex (meaning Ghost Textures) in honor of the U.S. Ghost Army of WWII, (23rd Headquarters Special Troops). The Ghost Army specialized in Camouflage, Concealment and Deception (CCD).
CUEPAT (Canadian Urban Environment Pattern) Trial Uniforms
CUEPAT-1 version-1
Printing by HyperStealth, Uniform Assembled by DropZone Tactical. The pattern is based off of a series of polarized flows, Horizontal, Vertical, and 45 degree angles used subtly with the VTM colours to help simulate common urban building practices, the scale of the pattern has also been adapted to break the human shape to conceal detection and movement.
CUEPAT-2 version-2
Printing by HyperStealth, Uniform Assembled by DropZone Tactical. This is the unconventional pattern in field trials, previous computer simulations showed this pattern to be quite effective for both outdoor and indoor urban environments. The perceived depth within the pattern throws off the ambient and focal vision from noticing the target.
Hahaha you totally got that entry for Kryptek Typhon from the Call of Duty wiki didn’t you? I should know because I wrote that. I’m not sure if honored or frustrated 😛 Anyway I think it’s pretty cool you put all of these patterns in once comprehensive list.
A very nice site – simple and informative without the BS. Looking for urban camouflage brought me here. Thanks.
I appreciate the comment. I love survivalism and sustainable living, and I love researching; so this site has been a wonderful creative release for me.
Hey Jon,
It is true, particularly in ‘developed’ countries, the urban environments present a different composition of terrain and colour facets to those of the natural/wild landscape, and the more basic human settlements (mud huts in Africa, white wash in the Hellenic isles, and stone faced structures in the middle east etc).
However, it is possible wide area deployment single loadouts could be developed in the same way as MTP was for the challenges of Afghanistan and the Hindu Kush.
In the meantime, if you require camo for red brick and white beams, may I recommend brown tweed jacket and breeks with a white check shirt…
par exemple; “http://www.cotswolds-visiting-tailor.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Barnsley-House-Tweed.jpg”
love the coat, love the style. thanks for the feedback.